Seminars and workshops

Webinar on study designs in biomedical research

The webinar started on 9.30 am and it was on online platform . 53 participants attended the programme including the faculties and post graduates . The resource persons for the webinar are well knowledgeable  about study designs with years of experience in the field.

This webinar was mainly aimed at providing research scholars and young budding doctors with learning experience of Study designs that are being used for research in the medical field.  Dr Dhanya gave an inroduction about importance of the biostatics study design. She focused more on practical aspect of biostatics . Dr Bindu Mohandas taken a session on various study designs and their pros and cons. After the class everybody got an idea about the study designs suited for their own research.  The sessions in this workshop had been designed in such a way that the participant would have useful information of the descriptive study designs. It also focused on helping the attendees choose the appropriate study for their topic of interest.

It was organised and hosted by Dept of Public Health Dentistry, KMCT Dental College. There were also various group exercises to make the session and learning more simplified and interesting. Assignments were given during the programme  which make the session more interactive . All the participants got certificate of participation .
